Getting The Word Out

You've finally achieved your dream of quitting your 9-5 job and opening your own bed and breakfast. Congratulations! Now all you need are some guests to come and stay in it. After all, this is a business venture, not a hobby. To attract customers you need to get the word out that you exist. That means advertising. Though many B&B owners don't have huge advertising budgets, there are ways you can get the word out cheaply.

Business Listings

Step 1 is to get your business registered with the local Chamber of Commerce and with the Yellow Pages. Many people looking for a rental will enlist the aid of friends or relatives living in the city to look through the Yellow Pages for them or keep an eye out for a advertisement. Instances of people consulting the Chamber of Commerce are lower, but they will tend to trust a business that they can see is registered.


Websites are easy and cheap to make, with web developers offering free templates with packages that cost sometimes less than $10 per month. The internet is most people's first stop in their searches these days, whether it's for a real estate agent in Vegas or a B&B they're looking for. Your website doesn't have to be fancy. Though it is possible to set up an online reservation system, all you really have to do is just put up a few photos, a listing of services, pricing, and a phone number to call for information and bookings.

Travel Agents

Many people use the services of travel agents to book their vacations, either in person or online. In order for travel agents booking their clients' vacations to suggest they stay with you, they have to know you exist. Faxing or emailing your particulars to their office is often all it takes. Registering with online services requires a bit more effort and sometimes offering discounts or kickbacks, but is worth it.

Tourism Supplements

Brochures are a great way to reach tourists who have just arrived in town and haven't prebooked a place to stay. Visit a store with some particulars and photos and they can do you up a glossy pamphlet to put in the tourism offices alongside the ads for buying a new home. If possible, also try to get into the city tourism guide (pick one up and look for the contact number to register).

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